The study of music condition in poem “in the memory of Hossein” from Sheikh Ahmad Al- Waeli

Document Type : Original Article


1 professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Tehran University

2 Ph.D. Arabic Language and Literature, Tehran University



The study of music condition in poem “in the memory of Hossein” from Sheikh Ahmad Al- Waeli
Sheikh Ahmad al-Waeli is one of Iraq's contemporary poets and he is one of the lovers of Ahl al-Bayt. He has written a significant portion of his poems in praise of them and he has tried to alive the spirit of awakening and resistance among the people of his country through religious poems and Hosseini's pillars, People who dominated by colonialists. one of his religious traditions, which was written in the exhortation of Imam Hossein is verse “in the memory of Hossein” and cites in it to greatness and famine and some of his tragedies. given the particular place of music in this verse, we decided to investigate the status of its music and on this path, were examined exterior music, side music and internal music in it. The results of this review which is done in a descriptive-analytical manne show internal music of words and coherence and harmony, when it comes along with the proper measure that the poet chose it, has provided a good opportunity for the poet to raise meaning. Moreover, the position of side and internal music in this poem is better than exterior music in it.
Key words: Ahmad Al-Waeli, Exterior music, Side music, Internal music, Imam Hossein.


Main Subjects

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