Popular beliefs and rituals of the people of Kermansha based on the Ali Ashraf Darvishiyan's stories Abstract

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages. University of Kashan, Kashan. Iran.

2 M. A. in Persian language and literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, University of Kashan, Kashan. Iran



This article focuses on Ali Ashraf Darvishiyan’s stories Darvishiyan is one of the contemporary realist novelists whose works describe social and cultural condition of his hometown, Kermanshah. Deploying a descriptive-analytic style, the writer of this article tries to answer the question: does Darvishiyan reflect the public beliefs of Kermanshah in his stories? And what is his purpose of it? Writer proves that Darvishiyan deliberately used the public culture and beliefs of the people of Kermanshah in his stories and especially in the novel of Cloudy Years, as one of his most famous novels, in order to make these beliefs well known to their readers. He will also record them forever in the e memory of the history of literature of Iran. They also have high sociological value, because show the domination of poverty and the social gap at that time, which it led him to be imprisoned before the Islamic Revolution.


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