"Love ritual in the mirror of Ahmed Azizi's works"

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Student of Literature University of Birjand




Love is one of the most important issues of Mysticism and Sufism, and its priority and delay are different for Mystics. Some pundits have found love as a way to reach Mysticism, and others see it as the post-mystical stage. Azizi, who has created the new Shatha following the ancient mystics, explained love like many experts.

The scope of this article is to examine his views on the subject of love ritual, which is actually an examination of the method of romantic conduct, in his works of poetry and prose, such as " yek Livan Shateh Dagh, Malakut Takalom, Tarjome ye zakhm, Sharji Awaz, Qose Ghazal" etc.

The author of this research tries to examine the intellectual framework and the place of love and the way of love in the mentality of Ahmad Azizi.

The hypothesis of this work is that Azizi prefers love to mysticism, but in practice he sees both as one. The result of the research was that Azizi believed in the union of love and cognition and did not see them separately from each other. He commented on Roozbahan's style of love and Molavi's style of expression.


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