Analyzing the indicative interpretation of the Qur'anic verses in Ruzbihan Baqli’s Arais al-Bayan and Sharh-e Shat’hiyat

Document Type : Original Article


Yazd University, Yazd, Iran



This essay,organized in two parts,is alibrary study,and employs the methodof analysis,description and comparison.The first part deals with the introduction ofthe indicative methodof interpretationofthe Qur’an verses and, during which the interpreter choosesa wordand assigns eachletter to theinitial letter of another word, thus presents hisattitude towards the text. The second part of this research analyzes the position of indicative interpretation in the works of Ruzbihan Baqli(1128-1209 AC),known as "Sheikh Shattah"in his books Arais al-Bayan and Sharh-e Shat’hiyat.He has used this innovative method for hismystical interpretation of the mysterious letters and other words of the Holy Qur’an.He himself pointed out the importance of indicative interpretation. However, in some cases he assigns the letters of interpreting word to other wordsthat begins withthe same letterand in someother cases heopens up the field to his own taste to express what his mind has received from mystical inspirations with the helpof indicative interpretation method.Insuchcases, Ruzbihan does not stick to assigning the letters of the word he is discussing tothe initial letters of other words. In these cases, the letter chosen for the indicative interpretation is not at the beginning,but in the middle or at the end of the related words.In additionto the methodological dimension, in terms of content, regarding mysterious letters or other Qur’an’s words that he chooses for indicative interpretation,he sometimes turns tothe documentarymethod of interpretation.So,he authorizes his interpretations by hadithsand narrations ofthe infallibles(PBUH)as well as the words of other researchersof mystical opinions.Sometimes, headheres to the light of his inner perceptions,and so paves the pathof interpretation


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