Creation and creation in Bidel's Masnavis with regard to the philosophical and mystical sources of Hindu religion

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Persian language and literature of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad




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Hinduism is one of the most important religions in India. The creation of man and the universe forms the basis of the worldview and ideology of this religion. The concepts of creation and creation of man and the world are mentioned in their oldest ruling and philosophical texts, namely the Vedas and the Upanishads. In the Vedas, they consider creation from nothingness. They used the word "Brahman" in the texts of Opene to explain the creation. On the one hand, Brahman is nothingness and does not take any perceptual description, and it is called "Nirgun Brahman", and on the other hand, it is the material and physical world, which is called "Segun Brahman". Ope-Nishdi sages say that nothingness exists like a true soul in the innermost being of man and the universe. Biddle, without using the terms "Nirgun Brahman" and "Seghun Brahman", reports the creation in such a way that the audience familiar with Indian mysticism and philosophy can understand the Indian concepts of "nothingness and non-existence", "man", "egg of the cosmic world", "theory of reflection", "the person of creation" and "the illusion of the universe".


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